Can foster parents adopt children?
Yes. However, the primary goal of WCHSA is to protect children and strengthen families. Staff work with families to resolve concerns that led to the initial removal of the child from their primary home. Parents whose children are in foster care have 12 to 18 months from the time of their child`s removal to remedy their problems. During this time, the intent of WCHSA is to return children to the care of their biological parents. Foster parents play a key role in supporting and mentoring the birth family. If the biological parents do not improve the situation in the home, the Department may seek to terminate the parent`s rights, thus freeing the child for adoption.
Families interested in adopting must assume the risk that the child will return to the care of the biological parents. Foster families need to be supportive of agency efforts to return children to their natural families. If the child you are fostering becomes available for adoption, you may ask to be considered with other adoptive parents. Foster/adoptive parents may adopt a child and still continue to foster, if they choose. There is no guarantee that foster parents will be able to adopt the children placed in their home.